A key aspect of leadership in any organisation is the ability to design and implement strategic change initiatives. From the initial consideration of what is involved in change, to creating a vision of what the future might involve and implementing that vision, strategic change requires active engagement with individuals throughout an organisation.

Professor John Amis' work involves spending extended periods of close engagement with organisations to understand the ways in which strategic change processes are formulated and implemented. Recent examples include three projects examining:

  • The development and implementation of policies designed to address childhood obesity
  • The introduction of a new innovation management process at a US Fortune 100 firm
  • A highly contentious school district consolidation

He has consulted, carried our executive development with, and engaged in research projects for a wide range of organisations, including large multinational firms, public sector organisations, and non-profits. In addition to his involvement with practice, Amis' research has been published in world-leading journals including Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, American Journal of Public Health, and Journal of Change Management.

He sits on the Executive of the Organisation and Change Division of the Academy of Management and is a member of several editorial boards, including Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, and the Journal of Management Inquiry, He is also an Associate Editor of the Journal of Change Management.

Amis is also involved in work examining issues of inequality. This has so far led to a stream at the 2012 and 2015 EGOS conferences, a special conference in 2013, and a special issue of Organization Studies.

The Centre also hosts masterclasses on Leading Strategic Change.

Upcoming masterclasses and courses