The Centre for Strategic Leadership delivers a series of executive masterclasses designed to develop strategic skills applicable to different kinds of organisations. Members also collaborate on the Executive MBA programme, teaching innovative approaches to strategic leadership.

Leading Strategic Change Masterclass

In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, nothing stands still for long. For leaders, the challenge is to understand how to navigate the latest developments and lead strategic change in response. But the processes which lead to effective transformation are often still ill-understood, and more than 70% of planned organisational change fails.

This Masterclass draws on real-world experiences and practical exercises grounded in the latest theoretical advances. This 2-day programme will equip leaders with the skills required to understand why change is needed and how to deliver it effectively and sustainably.

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Economic Development Masterclass

Entrepreneurship (the identification, creation, and exploitation of new value-creating activities) is widely held to be a critical, if not the critical cornerstone of economic growth. This 2-day masterclass will enable you as economic development leaders in the public and private sectors to understand what an entrepreneurial ecosystem is, and why it matters for economic growth and development.

Executive MBA

This flagship programme is designed for working executives to build capability for incisive analysis, innovation, and strategic leadership, to support progression into senior leadership roles.

Custom programmes

We can also develop and deliver custom masterclasses for organisations. If you are interested, please contact us: